• Phone Number: 845-323-6201
  • 18315 Fleurs Ln., Richmond, TX 77407
a doctor smiling


What You Can Do to Maintain Good Hearing


The ringing of an alarm clock, the chirping of the birds, the whistle of the kettle – The world around us is full of sounds, something that we tend to overlook daily. If it were not for our ears, we would not be able to witness the beauty of sound and music. That is why our primary care services in Texas are here to remind you to take care of your natural hearing instruments before it’s too late.

Once a person loses their hearing, most often, it cannot be restored anymore. As we age, our health may decline, including our sense of hearing, and may even lead to an ear disease. Nevertheless, we must do what we can to protect ourselves from hearing loss and other health problems affecting our ears. Our family care clinic in Richmond, Texas, wants to give you a few tips on how to maintain good hearing:

  • Be careful with what you put in your ears

    It is best to clean your ears with a washcloth over your fingers rather than cotton swabs that can injure your ear canal or eardrum.

  • Stay away from loud activities or places

    If not possible, wear proper protection such as ear plugs or earmuffs as they can filter extreme noises.

  • Make sure to get your immunizations regularly

    Diseases such as measles, mumps, and others can harm your hearing.

Most of all, it is imperative for your overall health that you have your annual checkups. At Resolve Family Clinic, we offer hearing and vision screenings as part of our high-quality and specialized care for those in need.

Keep your ears in check and in good health with us! Contact us for more information on our family medicine in Texas at 845-323-6201 or resolvefamilyclinic@gmail.com.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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